Sweden news

The murder outside the high school in Eskilstuna is described as a pure execution.
According to information to TV4 Nyheterna, the 18-year-old student was chased and shot in the head when he was lying on the ground.
– He is shot in a public environment, when school ends, and it is a very vulnerable situation for the victim, says Camilla Helgesson, head of investigations at the police.

Both children and adults were eyewitnesses to the fatal shooting at Rekarnegymnasiet’s parking lot on Thursday.

The Eskilstuna police’s homicide investigators are said to have been able to clarify major parts of the course of events through the interrogations, according to information given to TV4 Nyheterna.

The witnesses are said to have described how two dark-clad and masked perpetrators drove to the school grounds on an electric scooter. Then both are said to have been seen running after the 18-year-old young man, who was a student at the school, and shot him.

According to information to TV4 Nyheterna, the witnesses then told the police that the 18-year-old ended up on the ground and that the shooter then fired additional shots at the lying victim.

– He was shot to death with several shots to the head and upper body, says an informant to TV4 Nyheterna.

The killers then fled the scene on the same electric scooter.

The police: Was shot in front of many

The course of events is described as very brutal and ruthless. At an earlier press conference, the police said that “he was murdered in the worst possible way”.

– He is shot in a public environment, when school ends, and it is a very vulnerable situation for the victim to be shot in front of so many people. It is very raw, says Camilla Helgesson, acting head of investigations at the police in Sörmland.


The police: “The risk of retaliation is imminent”

According to TV4 Nyheternas sources, the state of the investigation is described as good.

Among other things, witnesses are said to have captured the perpetrators on film.

In addition, the police have found burnt clothes and a dumped electric scooter in a nearby forest, which TV4 Nyheterna previously reported on.

The police have stated that the fatal shooting is not aimed at the school environment, but that the 18-year-old was known to them from before and has connections to a criminal network in Eskilstuna. The news has previously been able to tell that the police’s working theory is that it is a contract murder.

No one has yet been arrested.

Thursday’s shooting is the third in Eskilstuna this year. Last year, there were 31 shootings in the city.

Do you know more? Tip TV4 here.
