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Outside his high school in Eskilstuna, in front of school students and teachers, an 18-year-old man was shot dead last Thursday.
Now TV4 Nyheterna can tell you that the police made several very interesting finds in a nearby forest.
– We have a lot to do in the investigation, says police investigation chief Camilla Helgesson.

The murder site is a stone’s throw from Rekarnegymnasiet’s entrance, in the school’s parking lot.

Chaos erupted at the scene when the perpetrators opened fire on the school grounds at 3:27 p.m. last Thursday.

Young people were waiting for the bus 50 meters away, students and teachers had recently finished and staff at a preschool next door were on their way out with the children – and saw or heard the act described by the police as very reckless.

Eskilstuna municipality was forced to activate a crisis group to support all witnesses.


The police: “The risk of retaliation is imminent”

Lay thrown in a forest

The police launched a major operation and “searched all over Eskilstuna” for the perpetrators, who, according to TV4 Nyhetern’s information, were two and fled on electric scooters.

No one could be arrested, but according to the same information, the police received several witness statements on the description of the killers and that they disappeared in the direction of a wooded area.

In the same forest area, the police were later able to find burnt clothes, according to information given to TV4 Nyheterna.

A while later, a dumped electric scooter was also found, sources say.

Police: A lot to process

The police suspect that the findings are connected to the shooting death. The remains of clothing and the electric scooter were therefore confiscated and will be examined by forensics to try to find any DNA traces of the perpetrators.

Camilla Helgesson, acting head of investigations at the police in Sörmland, states that an intensive murder investigation is underway.

– We have a lot of information that we process, we hold interviews, knock on doors and follow up on tips that come in.

She does not want to confirm TV4 News’ information.

– Unfortunately cannot comment on seizure or non-seizure in the case.

The theory: Contract murder

According to the police, the murdered 18-year-old has known connections to a criminal network in Eskilstuna. Sources tell TV4 Nyheterna that the police have a theory that a gang carried out Thursday’s murder on behalf of the network that is rival to the group that the victim is connected to.

The police now fear reprisals.

– If there is a murder, then there are emotionally driven actions, so the risk of retaliation is imminent, said local police area chief Oscar Nissfolk earlier.

The public is urged to call 114 14 with observations and information about the incident.

– In today’s society, everyone has a mobile camera, people have filmed after the event, so we go through all the material, says Camilla Helgesson.

Do you know more? Tip TV4 here.
