Sweden news

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

Now it’s decided – Filip took home the victory in Biggest Loser 2023. In the exciting final battle, he faced training partner Jenny.
— How sick… Damn, how good! he shouts and receives a congratulatory hug from Jenny.

Philip Sehlstedt and Jenny Andersson became training buddies when those teams were scrapped and it fell to Jenny to divide the remaining participants into pairs. They won several competitions together and continued to train together and cheer each other on – but in the final they are pitted against each other.

Winner’s roar and hug party

When Filip takes his place on the scales for the very last time in Biggest Loser, Jenny is already weighed. She has lost 40.2 kilos, which is 31.4 percent of her starting weight. To beat Jenny, Filip must have lost at least 47 kilos.

“I’m shaking… 47 kilos is not small,” he says nervously.

The scale shows that Filip has lost a whopping 50.8 kilos – and thus wins the entire Biggest Loser 2023. Filip shouts out one of his winning roars, for which he has become known in the program.

— YES!!! Damn, how crazy! Damn, that’s cool!

There will be a big hug party with both the other participants and with the family, who are sitting in the audience.

Laughter, tears – and a proposal

Filip has won many competitions at the castle – both because of his strength and his winning skull – and was probably the one many thought would take home the victory. The first prize consists of SEK 250,000, money that might come in handy…?

Filip took the opportunity and PROPOSED to his partner, Rebecka, on the final stage. And of course she answered yes, in the middle of the shock of joy.

— You have supported me all the way. We would have a new life after this – you and me and the kids against the world! Therefore, I intend to start the new life by asking…

The applause and tears of joy know no bounds.

Watch Filip’s victory roar in the clip in the player above
