“Sweden negotiates with terrorists”

Life sentence Hamid Noury ​​is exchanged with the captured Swede Johan Floderus and another Swede captured in Iran. It was confirmed by the Prime Minister on Saturday. The prisoner exchange does not come as a surprise, according to Iran expert Arvin Khoshnood. – It doesn’t surprise me considering the prisoner exchanges that have happened in the past in other countries, including the USA and Belgium, says Arvin Khoshnood to TV4 Nyheterna. He believes that the prisoner exchange will encourage the Iranian regime to continue capturing foreign nationals. Something that, according to him, will increase the security threat from Iran. – Now the Iranian regime sees once again that this works, and can then continue with its hostage diplomacy, says Khoshnood. – What Sweden is doing is negotiating with terrorists, he continues. Among other things, he aims at Iran’s use of criminal networks to carry out acts of violence in Sweden. Something that was confirmed by the Security Police. – If you don’t put hard against hard, this will only continue. On their way to Sweden In a statement, Kristersson announced that the two Swedes have been released and will soon be reunited with their families. – Iran has made both of these Swedes pawns in a cynical negotiation game with the aim of getting the Iranian citizen Hamid Noury ​​released from Sweden. He is sentenced to life imprisonment, says Kristersson. They are on their way home, says Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson. Johan Floderus was arrested in Iran in April 2022 and has been imprisoned for 790 days. Floderus was arrested after a holiday stay, shortly after the Iranian Hamid Noury ​​was detained in Sweden for covering mass executions of political prisoners in Iran in 1988.
