Sweden is warned about a prisoner exchange with Iran

One of the men behind the arrest of the suspected mass murderer Hamid Noury, the English human rights lawyer Kaveh Mousavi, is now attacking the Swedish government.
This after Kallafakta’s revelation that Sweden held talks with Iran about releasing Hamid Noury ​​via a prisoner exchange.
– I am warning the Swedish government. See you in court, says Mousavi.

In Stockholm, the Iranian Hamid Noury ​​is locked up. The district court has sentenced him to life imprisonment for crimes against international law and murder. In the infamous Evin prison in Tehran, Swedish Daniel has been imprisoned for over a year. The Iranian regime accuses him of espionage.

Iran wants to use Daniel to bring home Hamid Noury ​​through a prisoner exchange, according to information provided to Kalla fakta. But the Oxford-based human rights lawyer Kaveh Mousavi, one of those who drew up the report that got Noury ​​arrested, is clear in his message to Sweden’s government.

– We will take the fight to the Swedish government in court, says Kaveh Mousavi.

Betrayal of crime victims

Hamid Noury ​​was convicted of involvement in the so-called prison massacre in Iran in 1988, when thousands of political prisoners were systematically executed. During the summer months, more than 100 prisoners were hanged every day. Kaveh Mousavi believes that an exchange would be a betrayal of the crime victims and that Sweden has a responsibility not to give way to the Iranian regime’s methods.

– Sweden is part of at least a dozen international conventions to combat hostage-taking, to protect international criminal law. Sweden has obligations towards the international community. An exchange would be a violation of the conventions entered into, Mousavi believes.


Amnesty International: “A kind of blackmail”

Decided in the Court of Appeal

Iran has previously carried out prisoner exchanges with other countries. Just a few days ago, a debated prisoner exchange between Iran and Belgium was carried out. When Iran succeeds in prisoner exchanges, their citizens are, in some cases, hailed as heroes when they return home. The Iranian regime has repeatedly said it wants Hamid Noury ​​home.

Hamid Noury ​​has appealed against the conviction and appeal court proceedings are currently underway. A possible exchange could only become relevant after the Court of Appeal’s judgment has been handed down, according to several assessors whom Kalla fakta spoke to.
