Sweden is looking for ways to suppress gang violence – the Minister of Justice does not rule out the use of the army

Sweden is looking for ways to suppress gang violence

The Swedish government summoned all the authorities involved in gang violence. The end result was an order to draw up a list of means that can be used preventively and after crimes have occurred.

On Tuesday morning, the Swedish government organized a meeting to which all authorities were invited, whose actions in some way sidestep the increasingly brutal gang violence.

The meeting was chaired by the Minister of Justice of the moderate coalition party Gunnar Strömmer.

After the meeting, Strömmer had no concrete decisions or plans to present. According to him, the authorities had until the end of next week to prepare a presentation on the means by which the serious situation can be brought under control and the violence and the recruitment of school-aged children put an end to it.

On the list to be clarified is, for example, the right of young people sentenced to youth homes to use mobile phones and computers. In practice, gangs have used them to recruit new members and order crimes from minors. The staff now has no rights to search phones, internet connections or rooms.

According to Strömmer, for example, banning the use of the telephone or monitoring the use of the Internet do not interfere with privacy in such a way that they would violate the protection of privacy and be in conflict with the constitution.

Åkesson flashed the army’s help

The minority government led by the coalition needs the support of the Sweden Democrats to get a majority in the Diet.

Chairman of the Sweden Democrats Jimmie Åkesson flashed In an interview with Expressen magazine, that the army could be enlisted to help defeat the gangs. Minister of Justice Strömmer doesn’t say no directly, but for him the maintenance of order basically belongs to the police.

According to Åkesson, the situation that has arisen is “one hundred percent the result of a failed immigration policy”. The Minister of Justice does not use the same words himself, but answers at length how problematic residential areas have arisen in Sweden.

In less than two weeks, six people have been shot dead in the regions of Uppsala and Stockholm. In addition, shots have been fired at apartments and entrances blown up in various cities.

The violence has escalated because a gang called Foxtrot has reportedly split in two, and gang members are brutally attacking each other and the other party’s relatives.

The gang war is largely conducted from Turkey, where the leading figures have bought themselves Turkish citizenship.

Prime Minister of Sweden Ulf Kristersson is currently at the UN General Assembly in New York. Monday night’s TV news According to Kristersson, the Turkish president is trying to meet at the meeting Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s for talks, because Turkey and Hungary have not yet accepted Sweden’s NATO membership.
