Sweden helps Erdogan fight terrorists

This yes was deep inside and the price Sweden has had to pay is in the self-image. During a brutal and very public negotiation, Swedish values ​​such as freedom of expression and political freedom have been questioned by an authoritarian leader with dictatorial tendencies. And Swedish politicians have played along and held back on these issues in order to win this higher goal, namely to consolidate Sweden’s security in an uncertain world situation.

In the coming days, it will become even more clear what the real gains are from Turkey’s year-long negotiation game. American planes are on their way, NATO is intensifying its work against Turkish terrorism and soon Erdogan will also pay a visit to the White House on the chair Kristersson has already warmed up.

But Sweden has also made concessions, and in practice there are quite a few. Swedish politicians do their best to gloss over them, but the fact is that we help Turkey establish that organizations that are Erdogan’s political opponents can be equated with terrorists. We do not label the Gülen movement’s journalists in exile as terrorists, but we promise not to support them and in the documents Sweden signed they are mentioned in the same context as a threat to Turkey’s security.

Regarding EU accession, Sweden has now promised to work for Turkey to enter the EU. It is not a heavy promise considering the tough demands the EU makes, but it is unclear exactly what Sweden has committed to.

But when that promise is to be fulfilled, Swedish politicians will have already moved on. Two governments have been involved in these negotiations and there will be no interest or market in rehashing the past. As a member of NATO, Sweden is also on an equal footing with other NATO countries, and even today relieved politicians are beginning to talk about the fact that membership also provides opportunities to criticize other members, albeit in a diplomatic way. In any case, it is absolutely clear that the straitjacket of the negotiation period will be lifted as soon as the ratification is completed.

All that remains is the slightly damaged self-image.
