Sweden advances to the semi-finals of the Ice Hockey World Cup – beat Finland

Sweden is ready to play for the medals. That after knocking out Finland in tonight’s quarter-final.

But it was deep inside.

After total dominance in the group stage, extra time was required before Tre Kronor had secured the semi-final ticket.

Finland also came close to shocking Sweden early in the first period. The Swedes then took command in a match that swung.

Late receipt

After two scoreless periods, the game’s first goal finally came with less than five minutes left in the third period – and that through Buffalo Sabers star Rasmus Dahlin.

But when everything looked clear, the equalizer came with 57 seconds left.

And it would take extra time before Joel Eriksson Ek could secure the semi-final ticket.

Now awaits the semi-final against the Czech Republic in Prague on Saturday.
