SVT’s reporter on Sweden’s prisoner exchange with Iran: “Hostage diplomacy”

In the past, similar examples have been seen with Belgium and the United States. According to Gilda Hamidi-Nia, it is typical for Iran to work with so-called hostage diplomacy. But the fact that Sweden would agree to a prisoner exchange was not so expected.

– There are few ways to get foreign nationals released from Iran. And Iran has signaled over the last few years since the arrest of Hamid Noury, and since they arrested Floderus, that they are open to this kind of prisoner exchange.

Prisoner exchange between Sweden and Iran – Johan Floderus and Saeed Azizi are released for Hamid Noury

  • Here are Saeed Azizi and Johan Floderus on Swedish soil

  • Floderus and Azizi in Sweden – the government held a press conference

  • – This is how Iran usually works to get either citizens or different funds they have frozen in different parts of the world.

    Iran’s practices cause concern, especially among dual nationals who fear they will be arrested for the purpose of hostage diplomacy.

    – There is of course a concern that will spread. If Iran continues to see that this benefits them, that they are arresting people and that they can get something out of it, why should they stop it?

    – This is why many Iranians around the world are warning that if you continue to engage in this kind of diplomacy and prisoner exchange with Iran, the regime may continue with this tactic.
