SVT’s new editorial office in Åmål is inaugurated here: “Absolutely wonderful”

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Watch when SVT’s CEO Hanna Stjärne cuts the inauguration ribbon – and hear what some of the residents of Åmål think.

SVT has for some time been increasing the number of newsrooms at a rapid pace. On Wednesday, the new newsroom in Åmål was inaugurated, which is supposed to strengthen the coverage of both Åmål, northern Dalsland and southern Värmland.

Politicians and curious locals

At the opening, politicians, representatives from the business community and curious local residents were present. Among other things, they got to see SVT Nyheter Väst’s presenter Josefin Marjomaa interview CEO Hanna Stjärne and meteorologist Per-Erik Homberg.

The latter showed local knowledge when he told about the big storm that hit the city in October 1967.

– It was one of the big tree falls and the next day there was 30 centimeters of snow. And I was born, he told me.

Guards border area

The Åmål editorial office is shared by SVT Nyheter Värmland and SVT Nyheter Väst and must monitor municipalities in the border area between the counties.

What are the current issues that you will be covering?

– It’s everything from politics, emigration issues, sparsely populated areas and cross-border trade. The list goes on. Something current now in Åmål is that they are fighting for the Correctional Service to establish a prison here and in Säffle the establishment of a larger company is on the agenda, says Elin Johansson, SVT’s reporter in Åmål.
