It was on Friday that Ghost singer Tobias Forge visited Carina Bergfeldt. But it would all be criticized.
Carina Bergfeldt45, is one of our most acclaimed journalists and program managers. But despite the tributes over the years over the years, she has also been met by quite harsh criticism from time to time.
This in connection with SVT’s talk show “Carina Bergfeldt” led by Carina herself.
One episode that was met by a pretty hard whipping storm was when Carina interviewed the party fixer Micael Bindefeld In what would be such a notable and severely criticized interview that it was reported to the Review Board.
Don’t miss: Everything about Tobias Forge: Length, Ghost, Trial, Wife and Children
During the interview, Micael Bindefeld talked about how he and his husband about how they used a surrogate mother to have children.
– You can find out what she has for sports interest, if she has ball mind, musicality, says Bindefeld.
It was also important that it was a Jewish surrogate mother.
– We actually had a pretty long list that we looked at, continued the conversation.
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The criticism came as a letter on the post and many considered it problematic to openly sit and talk about women’s bodies as a commodity and that surrogate maternity is illegal in Sweden.
But this time the criticism applies to something completely different.
SVT saw after the interview with the Ghost singer
During Friday’s episode, the Ghost singer visited Tobias ForgeThe Kim SulockiThe Ola ForssmedThe Miriam Bryant And so Ebba Andersson.
Tobias Forge is a singer in the rock band Ghost. The band is together with Zara Larsson One of Sweden’s largest music exports and has been classified in several contexts as one of the world’s best rock bands that put Sweden on the map. The band has also won a variety of awards, including an American Grammy Award.
One thing as an excellent band is that they have long hid their identities. Only 2017, in connection with his summer talk, did Tobias come forward with his identity. That is exactly why many fans and viewers were very excited that he would visit Carina Bergfeldt – without mask or painting.
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But it would end with Carina and SVT being met with criticism. Many of the viewers believe that Tobias did not get enough space during the interview, that they were told too little about him and that the questions were superficial.
Neither Carina nor SVT has responded to the criticism.
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