SVT: The Swedish Prime Minister does not rule out the possibility of NATO membership

SVT The Swedish Prime Minister does not rule out the

According to Magdalena Andersson, the decision on possible NATO membership must be made on the basis of what is best for Sweden now and in the future.

However, the Prime Minister does not take a direct position on whether it would be better for Swedish security to join or stay out of the military alliance.

According to Andersson, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has fundamentally changed the security situation and therefore it may now be worth reconsidering Sweden’s non-alignment.

– We can say that non-alignment has served Sweden well, it has kept us out of conflict, but when the security policy map is redrawn, we have to make an updated analysis and make decisions based on it, Andersson told SVT.

The Prime Minister’s Social Democrats have previously decided not to support joining NATO. Andersson has also said in the past that Sweden’s NATO application would destabilize the security situation in Europe.

In an interview with SVT, Andersson says the party’s decision was made in the security situation at the time, and he says he does not rule out any options now.

According to him, the decision on possible NATO membership must be made according to what is best for Sweden now and in the future.

If non-alignment is not best for Sweden, this will change, Andersson answered SVT’s question.

The Swedish government is currently updating its security policy analysis and is discussing changes to security policy.
