SVT is doing away completely in the first episode of the champions champions

The champion’s champion is up again!
But what was we really seeing?
I think SVT is doing away with the first section.

This is a comment. The views are the writer’s own.

One year’s wait is over and loved the “Master’s champion” is finally back in the TV box again. Eight sports heroes have traveled to northern Spain to make up for each other in various different challenges and the Swedes bench as usual at home in their living room.

Cold makes entrance

Everything is really the same during the premiere episode on Sunday evening and winning shells that can show off their soft sides in the best broadcast time makes one always warm in the heart. But I still have to admit that it is clear that the acclaimed SVT program has reached its 17th season and the selection of known names has been thinned out.

GUIDE: Here’s all you need to know about the champions champion 2025

It is also difficult to follow up on last year’s success season that had with big names such as Anja PärsonThe Tony RickardssonThe Joel Lundqvist and Sebastian Larsson. Nothing badly meant to this year’s participants but few Swedes probably have a good look at the kick boxer Thomas Heiderupthe canoeist Markus Oscarsson Or the Vollyball player Marcus Nilsson.

Swedish ski hero Charlotte Kalla Is of course the big poster name of the year and a feather in the hat to bring so early in the end of a career. But I think SVT is totally done in the first episode of the new season.

SVT’s mistake

Half the thing of the television program is obviously the wonderful tribute films and that then burning is called directly is a mistake that the TV program will suffer from in the future when the viewer interest will fall. It is obviously pure goose bumps to see a young Charlotte danger in the ski tracks again and all the wonderful memories come back.

Read more: The requirement for SVT: Magnus Samuelsson shall enter the champion’s champion

But they should have saved her tribute film much later as it is the video most looking forward to of all participants’ careers. However, it is not the biggest miss that SVT makes in the first section, there is a decision that stings even more.

The very first thing that happens in the section, the very first competition, is thus one of the TV program’s great favorites in “Sisyfos Sten”. And you also choose to make it as a team competition (!?).
– For 16 long years, our masters alone have been forced to roll their globe up the mountain. It would not be fun to let them help instead, to make Sisyfos a team competition. Well, we do, says the host Micke Leijnegard.
– Is this what you mean by a warm welcome?

Read more: Charlotte Kalla touched to tears of the tribute in the champions champion

Not breathless

The competition is usually one of the season’s big highlight and now it is neglected after only a few minutes of TV viewing. We want to see the athletes being distressed and tormented with the stone up the hill, this psychological struggle against himself and its lactic acid.

Now the winners are Charlotte Kalla and the handball player Tobias Karlsson Barely breathless after the tough challenge. Well, here SVT makes it away again. We hope they have a good plan for the rest of the season but when two favorite moments are completed, it will be tough to keep the viewership figures.

What do you think of the first episode of the Master’s champion? Share the article and say your opinion!

Read more: Jonna Sundling’s heartbreaking word about Charlotte Kalla: “It’s hard”

