SVT Barn removes clip: “Oversexual”

SVT Barn removes clip Oversexual

In the children’s program “Challenge Charlie” plays Sarah Rhodin the main character Charlie who, during his first day of practice, accidentally destroys an entire laser tag place and owes the series’ crook 150,000 kroner.

This week, the program has received criticism.

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The SVT program is on the channel SVT Barn and to get access to watch the program on the internet you need to verify via a test that you are over ten years old. The test in question involves filling in how many letters the word “older” has.

“Challenge Charlie” is, according to SVT themselves, for children between ten and thirteen years old.

On SVT Children’s Instagram, a clip from the series was posted where a soft toy pretending to be a cat sings. And the text was met with harsh criticism, which was something Aftonbladet was the first to write about.

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The criticism: “Glorifies snus and sex”

The song goes by the name “Kattpung” and contains lines such as “Five testicles in my car”, “Kattpung, kattpung” and “It’s oversexual, because the scrotum is special”. This prompted several Instagram users to react.

In the comments, it has been claimed that the clip “glorifies sex for children”.

Because Aftonbladet explains Frida Leksellproject manager for “Challenge Charlie” that the words that appear are words that ten and thirteen year olds are familiar with.

“Challenge Charlie is a comedy program that contains twisted humor and a lot of irony. It is aimed at the 10-13 age group, which we know likes humor,” Leksell writes to the newspaper.

Several angry Instagrammers claimed that SVT also romanticized snus through the clip.

“The fact that there is a snuff box does not mean that snuff is glorified. If you watch the whole episode, you know that SVT does not recommend snuff,” Leksell writes further.

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SVT takes down the clip from Instagram

Despite this, the clip has now been removed from SVT Children’s Instagram.

According to Leksell, it is about the clip being taken out of context and therefore misunderstood.

“Because the video that’s out on Instagram is taken out of context, it’s a little harder to understand the irony and humor behind it and it “lands” a little incorrectly if you don’t watch the whole episode,” writes Leksell to The evening paper.

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