Sven-Erik about his dream woman: “She can like…”

Sven Erik about his dream woman She can like

Sven-Erik Sjögren entered SVT’s Hotell romance like a bomb. 72 years old, but with gastric squares and sex pills in the luggage. During the program, the other participants have been shocked by Sven-Erik’s unfiltered personality, but in the TV box he is a success as a strong character.

News24 have spoken to Sven-Erik, who gives a clear description of the type of woman he is looking for in the program.

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That’s why Sven-Erik applied to Hotel Romantik

When Sven-Erik applied to Hotel Romantik, he had no expectations of meeting someone, but he thinks life gets a little more golden if it is lived together with someone else.

– It is clear that I wanted some kind of relationship when I applied, but I have never been Mr Panik in any way. I’ve always enjoyed being single, but it’s a little sharper to share life with someone, says Sven-Erik.

Sven-Erik: “It is very important that she is slim”

In Hotel romance, Sven-Erik is clear that his dream woman should be slim. He also mentions this to Nyheter24, because he himself thinks it is important.

– She must be tall, slim and generally educated. Lean is very important. I’m slim myself and I think slimness is a sign of character, he says and continues:

– Old men can have a bit of a stomach when they get older and women who give birth can’t get such a flat stomach again, I’m completely aware of that. I’m not stupid. But if you let go of your body too much, you have no character.

Sven-Erik lives an active life, which a partner should also appreciate. Keeping fit takes up a large part of his everyday life. It is especially important that he stays slim, and that he has abs.

– I don’t think it’s unattractive to have a big belly. I think I’m cheeky to be 73 and have a flat stomach. I’m not a narcissist for that, but that’s my thing.

Sven-Erik lives an active life in order to maintain his abs. Photo: private/Sven-Erik Sjögren. Sven-Erik: “Please like older men”

Sven-Erik is often told that he is young in both body and mind, which is partly due to the fact that he has many younger friends at the gym. When it comes to dating, however, he has a limit. He had never been able to date a woman more than 20 years younger than him.

– They cannot be more than 20 years younger than me, so at least 55 years old. It won’t be very good otherwise. I think it’s pathetic when old movie stars, like Al Pacino, go around with 35 year old women. It is not natural.

When a younger woman showed interest earlier, Sven-Erik made sure she knew his age.

– If a younger woman has shown interest, I have asked if she knows how old I am, and if she genuinely likes older men. For it to become something, she is allowed to like older men. Then it’s been really nice.

Now it remains to be seen if Sven-Erik finds a slim and well-educated woman in Hotel romance!

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