Sustainable mobility: this is how the new green jobs are born

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(Finance) – The green economy has great potential in terms of work e new professions are emerging, also and above all in the field of sustainable mobility. Hence the idea of ​​making these professions known to very young people starting from school.

Start with this aspiration the initiative “The new professions of sustainable mobility” launched by CNEL, the Ministry of Education and Rai For ESG Sustainability in favor of secondary school students second degree, for orient them in the world of green jobs and provide, especially to the older ones, a starting point for reflection on the possible ones job opportunities that this sector offers and can offer in the future.

As part of the project, the institutions involved have promoted a contest entitled “Become a mobility manager for a day”addressed to students of about ten schools secondary schools of the Municipality of Rome identified by the School Office of the Lazio Region, with the aim of encouraging and spreading the culture of road safety and also that of “sustainable” behavior.

Students will be asked to illustrate a sustainable mobility initiative within their school and ad optimally organize nearby urban spaces to their school as the new school mobility manager. The best projects chosen by the CNEL will be presented in an ad hoc event.
