“Sustainable future”, Unicredit alongside Esbe Italiana with Sace Guarantee

Unicredit ok shareholders meeting in the 2021 budget with 98

(Finance) – UniCredit supports the growth plans of Esbe Italiana, a company of the Piber Group, through a financing with Sace Guarantee of 1.5 million euros. It is a “sustainable future” financing than the bank dedicates to companies that decide to invest to improve their sustainability profile in line with the action plan launched by Unicredit in support of the PNRR to support the recovery of the country, and is assisted by Sace guarantee, aimed at supporting the growth of companies in Italy and in the world.

In detail, Esbe Italiana it will be able to support working capital and pursue a business development strategy that includes investments in the sustainability of their production cycle. Esbe Italiana, founded in 1966 in Rapallo (GE), has been part of the Piber Group since 1982 and produces plastic containers made with the thermoforming technique.

The loan granted to Esbe Italiana is a “sustainable future” financingto which a subsidized rate is applied, subject to the achievement of sustainability objectives set in terms of ESG certification.

“The Piber Group, which controls ESBE Srl, has been working for some time and profitably with UniCredit – says Giulio Bergaglio, CEO of ESBE SRL -. Above all, in this particular historical moment it is important to find the support of financial institutions to guarantee continuity to our global growth process and to seize the opportunities that the markets present. This funding will allow us to pursue the objectives we have set ourselves, aiming at an implementation of innovations and internal policies “.

“Companies that need to raise finance and capital on the market today are increasingly measured by lenders and underwriters of financial instruments for the way they approach environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues – he says. Marco Bortoletti, UniCredit Lombardy regional manager -. UniCredit pays close attention to sustainable and responsible investments that aim to create value for the investor and for society as a whole, as evidenced by the loan made to the Piber Group “.

“We are proud to be alongside Esbe Italiana, a Lombard company characterized by a strong drive for research and innovation – he declares Enrica Delgrosso, Mid Corporate manager of the North West of Sace. – Through this operation we support the company in its sustainable development and growth plans. Thanks to our offices in the area, we are able to be really close to the real needs of companies, supporting their growth in Italy and in the world “.
