Sustainable fuels for aviation: agreement between Mims and Politecnico di Torino

Sustainable fuels for aviation agreement between Mims and Politecnico di

(Finance) – The Ministry of Infrastructure and of Sustainable Mobility (Mims) and the Polytechnic of Turin have signed an important cooperation agreement lasting three years aimed at analyzing and promoting the use of new ones fuels sustainable in the transport sector, with specific reference to the aviation sector. The goal is to define, in collaboration with ENACa national roadmap for achieving the decarbonisation objectives of the sector, its integration into International (UN-ICAO) and European initiatives, and the monitoring of the progress of sector policies and their implementation.

In particular, on the technological-industrial planthe development status of the processes in the sector of biofuels for aviation (Sustainable Aviation Fuels – SAF) will be analyzed and monitored, the development of possible scenarios for the definition of a roadmap for the large-scale introduction of SAFs, the evaluation, in perspective of the European “Fit for 55” package (which contains legislative proposals to achieve the Green Deal objectives by 2030), the potential for decarbonization of the sector, as well as the analysis of the evolution of the technical regulations of the sector. From an economic point of view, the analysis will concern the evolution of SAF production costs, as well as the study of any policy or regulatory proposals to facilitate their dissemination and use.

There cooperationcoordinated for the Politecnico by professor David Chiaramonti of the Department of Energy (DENERG) and carried out with the involvement of researchers from the Department of Management and Production Engineering (DIGEP) directed by Professor Charles Cambini, will develop through the study of regulatory measures in the sector of sustainable aviation fuels, both from a technical-industrial, policy / regulatory and economic point of view. The Politecnico will make its multidisciplinary skills available and will encourage interaction with subjects and structures (academic and industrial, national and international) in which it participates or with which it permanently collaborates and will support the Ministry in relations with the main national and international stakeholders.

“The progressive decarbonization of the aviation sector – notes the Minister of Sustainable Infrastructures and Mobility, Enrico Giovannini – it is a complex process that is mobilizing companies in the sector, regulatory bodies and ministries of many countries, with a view to international cooperation. With this agreement, our country will be able to elaborate and advance in the various international fora where the common rules proposed are defined based on solid technical-economic analyzes, as well as to define the necessary interventions to accompany in the transformation underway a crucial sector for the economy of the country “.

According to the Rector of the Polytechnic of Turin, Guido Saracco: “The collaboration project with Mims is an important step forward to study new policy tools to support the decarbonisation of the transport sector in the first place, as well as of the entire Italian economic system, central themes on the agenda for the next few years of our University and the support we intend to give to the sustainable development of our country “.
