Sustainability, La Porta (accountants): “Learning to be sustainable as a lifestyle”

Sustainability La Porta accountants Learning to be sustainable as a

(Finance) – “The Festival of Sustainable Development promoted by the Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development does not only look at technical aspects of sustainability but to culture of sustainability as a lifestyle in everyday life. This is the message that we professionals want to convey. Sustainability must enter the daily lexicon of each one not only in studies as a professional attribution. We must learn to be sustainable to have respect for ourselves and others ”” she declared Antonella La Portacouncilor of the Order of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts of Naples, opening the proceedings of the conference “Sustainable Economy and Culture of Sustainability” promoted byOdcec of Napleschaired by Eraldo Turi.

“I thank the accountants for this initiative – he underlined Ottavio Lucarellinumber one of the Order of Journalists of Campania – because sustainability is a fundamental theme where information and synergies between professions are crucial for a real change in things. The Campania Odg also deemed it appropriate to establish an ad hoc commission, chaired by Vanni Fondi, to pursue these issues”.

The Festival numbers were illustrated by Filippo Salonedelegate of the Asvis consultancy: “The ‘Festival’ with approximately 700 events throughout the national territory involved thousands of people on the topic of promoting the culture of sustainability. It is equally important to move from words to deeds. We need to add the word credibility to this path to truly have a more sustainable, inclusive and equitable future.” Not only ‘green’ but also a culture of sustainability as pointed out by Fabio Cecerecouncilor of Odcec Napoli: “For environmental sustainability and the evaluation of environmental impacts, the competence also lies with the Ministry of Culture together with the Ministry for the Environment. A National special superintendence precisely to evaluate the impacts of sustainability as part of the implementation of the Pnrr. An ad hoc body which is also verifying the progression of the Plan and will be dissolved on 31 December 2026″.

Second Raffaele Ianuario, councilor of the Neapolitan Order of Accountants, “the EU has implemented a clear program: we must all work in the direction of sustainability. The Order has the task of train professional consultants in this subject. There is a large market and this is a great job opportunity and new appeal for the profession itself.”

For Federica Cordova (president of the Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Commission Odcec Napoli): “When it comes to sustainability, we must move from words to action. A lot is being done, businesses are playing their part, as is education. Standard setters fine tune new reporting and measurement rules of sustainability. Professionals have a strategic role. The paradigm has changed and there will always be a greater need for professionalism in this field.” They intervened during the work

Aldo Petrucciani (president of the Odcec Napoli Cultural Business Management Commission) argued that “the social economy has accelerated and every business will have to deal with the sustainability reporting. Bank ratings will also be linked to sustainability and with it access to financial resources. Focusing on sustainability is not a cost but an investment for company development.”

Attilio De Nicola (president of the Third Sector Bodies Commission Odcec Napoli) highlighted that “the Third sector it is a fundamental sector of the economy. The reform has come to fruition, moving from a fragmented system of rules to a coherent and unitary system. The role of professionals is of absolute importance as they must have specific skills regarding budgets, transparency obligations and relations with the PA”.

Filomena Buonocore (professor of business organization at Parthenope University) during his speech he spoke about organizational models and of management policies of human resources for sustainability.

Emmanuela Saggese (president of the Odcec Napoli ESG study commission) illustrated the main challenges that Italian companies face in integrating the criteria into their business strategies, ei long-term benefits for those who adopt a sustainable approach.

The meeting was also attended Raffaella Papa (president of Space for Responsibility and CEO of Intramedia) e Monica D’Ambrosio (Sustainability Commission of the Order of Journalists of Campania),
