Sustainability, FS Logistics Hub and Acqua S. Bernardo: new intermodal connection between Cuneo and Prato underway

Sustainability FS Logistics Hub and Acqua S Bernardo new intermodal

(Telestock) – An agreement that aims to reduce road freight trafficreducing CO2 emissions by over 2,500 tons per year and reducing congestion on the main Italian roads: San Bernardo water, historic Italian company among mineral waters, has come on board the new intermodal connection between Cuneo and Prato, managed and served by the FS Logistics Hub.

“As a Logistics Hub we are particularly proud of this partnership, which represents a further step towards promoting an intermodal and sustainable transport network, in support of the local economy. – said Sabrina De Filippis, CEO of Mercitalia Logistics. – Our commitment to sustainability issues is demonstrated daily by the use of the train as the preferred mode of transport for our integrated logistics services, thus achieving an advantage in terms of sustainable mobility and reduction of emissions”.

Care for the territorydevelopment of local economies, respect for the environment and for people are just some of the shared values ​​that link the work of the two companies. The objective of economic, social and environmental sustainability, present in the Group’s industrial plan, underlies all the work of the Logistics Hub.

“The use of the train as the main means of transport between Cuneo and Prato is added to the actions that S.Bernardo is already carrying out to reduce and offset CO2, for example by promoting the development and use of sustainable packaging, such as aluminum, recycled plastic, and, above all, returnable glass, and by using with great attention and parsimony the water resource that it is called to safeguard” says Antonio Biella, general manager of S.Bernardo.

Furthermore, Acqua S.Bernardo has been powering its plants with clean energy from its own wind farm for over 10 years.o. This is how the iconic “Goccia” glass bottle is produced, alongside new sustainable packaging solutions. The latest creation, “Goccia Ely”, is made of 100% recycled and recyclable plastic, and is characterised by its helical shape, reminding us how everything is connected; just like the Fibonacci sequence, shown on the bottle, with the classic drops arranged in the golden ratio, in line with the company’s philosophy.

L‘commitment to sustainability is a constant for both companies. The FS Group paimed at becoming Net Zero by 2040 through self-production of clean energy, energy efficiency and the gradual decommissioning of fossil fuels. Furthermore, rail transport is the only likely key to achieving the objectives required by the EU. In 2023, thanks to the integrated logistics model, the Logistics Hub saved the environment 1.5 million tonnes of CO2 compared to truck transport.

S.Bernardo announced at Terra Madre 2022 the desire to become CO2-zero impact by 2026. The use of wind energy is in addition to the three projects that S.Bernardo is implementing together with Slow Food: the creation of a city forest, starting from the Bra area, which involves the planting of native tree species and essences in a metropolitan area, creating new green lungs for local communities. Added to this is the redevelopment of wooded areas around the company’s sources to make woods no longer cared for by man efficient again, restoring their full capacity to absorb carbon dioxide. Finally, the areas of permanent meadow are protected, leaving them free to develop their biodiversity, contributing significantly to carbon sequestration.
