Sustainability and innovation, 197 million to City Green Light for projects in municipalities

Sustainability and innovation 197 million to City Green Light for

(Finance) – Resources of just under. provided by a pool of financial institutionsthe 200 million euros to City Green Light, company active in the sector of public lighting, energy efficiency and smart city services, with the aim of supporting its growth plan and investments in energy efficiency and digitalisation, also through new businesses and with BUT.

The resources – explains the note – swill be mainly intended for the implementation of projects of investment dedicated to the energy transition and the digitalisation of public administrations, thus promoting integrated energy efficiency solutions in key sectors, including public lighting, management of public buildings and energy communities.

In detail, the credit institutions involved in the operation, partially assisted by SACE Green Guarantee pFor 96 million, they are Intesa Sanpaolo, which through the IMI Corporate & Investment Banking Division acted as Lender Coordinator, Bookrunner, Mandated Lead Arranger, Agent Bank and Sace Agent, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, UniCredit, BNL BNP Paribas and Sparkasse – Cassa di Risparmio di Bolzano as Bookrunners and Mandated Lead Arrangers. Intesa Sanpaolo also acted as Green Loan Coordinator for the structuring of the green lines, for an amount of 192 million out of the total financing of 197 million euros, aimed at supporting the green projects that fall within the Company’s plan.

The financing, lasting approximately 7 years, falls within the objectives of the Green New Deal, thanks to the positive impact in terms of climate change mitigation.

“In a general context which, more than ever, imposes priority on the implementation of actions to encourage the green transition, the financing operation just concluded will allow us to continue the execution of a transformative industrial plan which has as its objective the completion of our evolution from a pure operator in the public lighting sector to a leader in the supply of smart services and 360-degree energy efficiency to Italian public administrations” he states Eugenio Colla, Chief Financial Officer of City Green Light.

“We are very satisfied to be able to support the virtuous development plan of City Green Light. Making cities more sustainable and smart with a more rational use of public lighting is an important turning point towards the energy transition, a topic to which the Intesa Sanpaolo Group has always been sensitive and which pushes us to support companies that operate in this direction, also in coherence with the objectives set by the PNRR in the Green Revolution and Ecological Transition Mission”, he states Michele SorrentinoHead of the Italian Network of the IMI Corporate & Investment Banking Division of Intesa Sanpaolo

Carlo Lamari, Head of Infrastructure at CDP, said: “Promoting investments that have a clear impact on local communities and at the same time accelerate the energy and digital transition of public administrations is one of the main objectives of CDP’s Strategic Plan. The operation that we concluded today, in synergy with the banking system and Sace, in favor of City Green Light makes us proud because it represents a further important step in the path towards an increasingly green economy”.

For Cristina Morelli, Managing Director Business Corporate of SACE: “The acceleration of the sustainable evolution of businesses is a pillar of our INSIEME2025 industrial plan. This system operation, carried out thanks to our transversal team of experts, in support of excellence in the public lighting sector is fully part of the path we are pursuing for the benefit of the well-being of the community, in line with our mission”.

“The support intervention alongside City Green Light has a double value for us at UniCredit: on the one hand it allows us to support a dynamic reality which has made sustainability its core business and which will now be able to propose itself as a partner in the energy efficiency of public entities; of the other is concrete proof, yet another, of our sense of responsibility towards the communities in which we operate”, underlines Francesco Iannella, Regional Manager North East of UniCredit

“BNL BNP Paribas’ support for City Green Light is part of the Bank’s commitment to supporting businesses that combine development, innovation and sustainability. Through participation in operations of this type, BNL confirms its active presence in the territories, to accompany companies in national and international growth plans for the benefit of the country’s economy and for the further diffusion of Italian productive and technological excellence in the world ”, he comments Stefano ManfroneTerritorial Director North East BNL BNP Paribas.

The Head of the Corporate Banking and Foreign Services Department of Sparkasse-Cassa di Risparmio di Bolzano, Emiliano Picello, declares: “The pool of banks, among which Sparkasse – Cassa di Risparmio di Bolzano plays an important role, has decided to support the strategic development plan of City Green Light aimed at pursuing sustainability, safety and energy efficiency objectives.

City Green Light, founded in 2017, is owned by the Italian Energy Efficiency Fund, Marguerite Infrastructure Italy II, and by the European Investment Bank – EIB (through Ipin 2E). With the its business serves over 250 municipalities throughout Italy, boasting strong experience in the management of over 900,000 lighting points, 100 road tunnels and 1,600 security cameras.
