suspension of the vaccination pass and end of wearing a mask from March 14

suspension of the vaccination pass and end of wearing a

French Prime Minister Jean Castex announced during an intervention on TF1 television news this Thursday, the end of the obligation to wear a mask, with the exception of transport, and the “ suspension » of the vaccination pass from March 14.

The situation is improving thanks to our collective efforts, thanks to the measures we have taken […]the conditions have been met for a new phase of easing of measures “, justified the head of government Thursday, March 3 on TF1. The winter wave of Covid-19 has been in decline for several weeks. On average over seven days, the number of new cases of contamination stood at 53,152 on Wednesday evening against more than 70,000 a week ago. The pressure is also reduced at the hospital, where 2,329 people are in critical care.

The government had so far mentioned a passage below the threshold of 1,500 patients in critical care by mid-March among the criteria for lifting all or part of the vaccination pass, in force since January 24. It seems that he anticipates a little since the application of the vaccination pass will therefore be suspended from March 14. It will however remain in force in medical establishments, such as hospitals and retirement homes, as well as the vaccination obligation which applies to caregivers, said Jean Castex.

On the same date, he announced the end of the wearing of the compulsory mask in all places where it is still applied. A measure will always remain in force. ” Wearing a mask will remain compulsory in public passenger transport given the crowding “, he said.

► To read also: Tests, masks… the Covid crisis is causing an avalanche of medical waste

(with AFP)
