Suspected terrorist attack in Oslo during the midsummer weekend

Last minute The world stood up after Putins decision in

• At 01:00 on the night before Midsummer’s Day, a man started shooting at people on a pub street in central Oslo. The first alarm to the police was received at 01.14.

• Several of the people hit by the bullets were at the gay bar London pub.

• Two people died in the shooting. They are both men, in their 50s and 60s.

At 01.19 a man was arrested by police. Passers-by must have in some way assisted in the arrest, according to the police.

• Initially, there were suspicions of more people involved.

• Later that night, the police determined that it was probably a lone perpetrator.

• In the morning, the 42-year-old is arrested on suspicion of murder, attempted murder and terrorist crime.

• The subject is unknown. The man did not want to explain himself in the interrogations that were held.
