Suspected shooting in Västerås – one injured

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– We are still looking for the perpetrator or perpetrators, says Tobias Ahlén Svalbro, press spokesperson at the police.

A large police operation has been going on in the Gideonsberg area since early Tuesday evening. A place is cordoned off for technical investigation and the police have secured tracks. According to Tobias Ahlén Svalbro, it is a confirmed shooting.

– Yes, we are still investigating the matter, but everything points to the fact that there was some form of shooting at the site, he says.

The injured man has been taken to hospital by ambulance. It is unclear how severe the injuries are.

According to VLT’s information, two masked people have disappeared from the scene on a scooter. Witnesses are also said to have heard several shots. But the police do not want to comment.

– I can not go into that type of information. But we have held a number of different interrogations with witnesses on site and we receive tips all the time. We have worked hard to be able to talk to the people who have been there. We are interested in even more witness information, says Tobias Ahlén Svalbro.
