Suspected Oslo shooter Zaniar Matapour is arrested

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Follow our live broadcast about the arrest of the player above 43-year-old Zaniar Matapour who is suspected of terrorist crimes after the mass shooting in Oslo was arrested on Monday. Matapour’s lawyer John Christian Elden claims that there is no doubt that his client is the perpetrator. The police in Oslo advise against a planned demonstration on Monday evening in support of the victims of the fatal shootings during the midsummer weekend. – We can not guarantee safety. Therefore, we recommend that it is not implemented, says Martin Strand, Chief of Staff at the Oslo Police at a press conference. The threat picture is still considered “extraordinary”, according to the security service PST. The shooting at several bars The shooting took place near several bars, mainly the famous gay bar London Pub and Per på Hjørnet, in central Oslo on Saturday night. The men who were killed were at the pub Per on the Corner. According to Norwegian TV2, that pub does not have a clear profile. The neighboring pub London is a famous gay club in Oslo. According to defense lawyer Elden, this may indicate that the shooting is not necessarily due to hatred of homosexuals. Two motive theories The police continue to work with two main theories as to why Zaniar Matapour opened fire on two taverns and a fast food restaurant in central Oslo during the night until Saturday. One is that he had a hate motive, as one of the restaurants he attacked had an LGBTQ profile. The other is about his mental health. The police and PST are examined The Norwegian police authority and the security service PST will be examined after this weekend’s mass shooting in Oslo. Norway’s Minister of Justice also emphasizes that it is important that mentally ill people receive help in time.
