Suspected of preparing explosions on the farm in Falköping

Suspected of preparing explosions on the farm in Falkoping

The home was full of weapons, chemicals and explosives.

The farm outside Falköping was pointed out as the 25-year-old’s bomb lab.

There, he is said to have planned a terrorist attack for a year, according to the indictment.

At dawn on November 4 last year, the 25-year-old was arrested by the Security Police in Falköping.

He is now being prosecuted for, among other things, preparation for terrorist crimes or general dangerous destruction, serious gun crime, preparation for serious gun crime, gun crime, violation of the law on flammable and explosive goods.

The man is linked to the Nazi organization NMR and Säpo suspects that the man has been planning an act for over a year.

Pictures from the farm show what the police believe is evidence of how the man made bombs.

Weapon parts and explosives

Everywhere in the different rooms in the house on the farm, various substances were found that the police suspect that the man used in the manufacture.

“On parts of the kitchen table was a condition with black, powder-like, powder. Weapon technicians from NFC performed a field test on the powder, which showed gunpowder “, it says in the preliminary investigation.

During the house search, weapons, empty shell casings, camouflage clothing, a helmet and an air weapon with binoculars were also found. Also laser sight, rifle barrels, laboratory equipment, magazine, knitting knife and a safety vest.

The man is also suspected of having manufactured his own weapon parts with a 3D printer and arranged a home-built laboratory in the garage.

Police also found right-wing extremist literature, including a handbook on armed struggle and books describing how to make explosive devices.

Discussed explosions aimed at children

In online forums, the man is also said to have searched for posts and discussion threads about explosions and proposals for attacks on schools. However, it is unknown if the man had decided where or if he would commit the act.

“The suspect has discussed the possibilities of carrying out attacks on a schoolyard, but there is no evidence that any specific school has been selected. It appears as if the suspect has ‘got stuck’ in the first planning phase “, it says in a statement from the Swedish Defense Research Agency (FOI).

FOI also assesses that the man has actively disseminated pro-violence messages and also expressed violent fantasies in various online forums.

The man must have lived an isolated life and withdrawn from other people.

During the raid, the police found lists of orders and purchases of, among other things, weapon-related products, protective equipment, chemicals and explosives.

Suspected of acting alone

The police suspect that the man planned the attack alone and assess that the man lived a secluded and isolated life.

“You get the feeling that these lists include what you need for a ‘lone wolf attack'”, the investigation states.

“(…) is judged to sympathize with violent right-wing extremism and terrorism. He searches for and downloads information about right-wing extremist terrorism and carried out attacks, in particular information about lone perpetrators, ”Säpo writes in a statement.

During questioning, the suspect has denied the crime.

“You are the ones who suspect me, I do not know why you suspect me. There must be a basis for it all, so you are welcome to tell the basis “, he says during the initial interrogations on a question about why he is a suspect.

Linked to NMR – previously convicted

He has previously been convicted of assault in connection with an NMR demonstration in central Gothenburg. A female counter-protester spat in his face, whereupon he hit her in the face so that she fell to the ground.

He has also applied for a shotgun for hunting purposes but was refused when the Security Police stated that he belongs to NMR.

He also seems to have a great interest in Nazi Germany and several of his searches online are about the Third Reich and Hitler’s book “Mein Kampf”, according to Säpo’s assessment.

Several pictures of swastikas and right-wing extremist messages have also been found in the man’s mobile and computer.

The Security Police has conducted the preliminary investigation under the leadership of prosecutors from the National Unit for Security Cases. This is because the suspected crime has links to violent right-wing extremism.
