suspected of having drugged a deputy, senator Joël Guerriau indicted

suspected of having drugged a deputy senator Joel Guerriau indicted

French senator Joël Guerriau (Les Indépendants, center right) was indicted this Friday evening, November 17. Suspected of having drugged a deputy who then filed a complaint, he is now placed under judicial supervision, at the end of his police custody.

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It was at his home that the police came to pick up the centrist senator, Joël Guerriau, before placing him in police custody on Thursday. After his custody, he was indicted this Friday. The reason : ” Administration to a person, without their knowledge, of a substance likely to impair their judgment or control of their actions to commit rape or sexual assault and possession and use of substances classified as narcotics. » He was released, but placed under judicial supervision, his lawyer said.

In this case, we are talking about ecstasy, traces of which were found in the body of Sandrine Josso, the MoDem deputy who accuses the senator of having drugged her. The MP says she felt ill following a drink taken at Joël Guerriau’s home on the night of Tuesday to Wednesday. Hospitalized after feeling unwell, she then filed a complaint.

Ecstasy found at his office and home

As part of the investigation, searches were carried out at the office, but also at the senator’s home: ecstasy was found in both places.

In his defense, according to our colleagues from Le Parisien, Joël Guerriau justified himself. He says he thought he had obtained a “ euphoriant » and not ecstasy to get through personal trials. The MP for Loire-Atlantique Sandrine Josso denounced a “ treason “, and is ” still in shock », As his lawyer, Me Julia Minkowski, told AFP.

If his judicial future is becoming clearer, this is also the case for his political career. Member of the Horizon party of former Prime Minister Édouard Philippe, his fate will be decided this Saturday morning during a political office. According to those responsible for the movement, its exclusion already seems certain.
