Suspected of encouraging children to commit suicide – teenager charged

According to the indictment, the teenager wrote several offensive comments to the 10-year-old on a social media platform. The prosecutor therefore chooses to bring charges of molestation and incitement to suicide.

– There is quite harsh language that occurs and it is the first time I have prosecuted on the point of incitement to suicide, says Tobias Kajbring, prosecutor in Östersund.

In addition to calling the 10-year-old various inappropriate and offensive words, the teenager has, among other things, written calls to commit suicide, for example “find a tree you can hang yourself from”.

– I have started from the acts and what the actual punishments for these are. Then the court can take a position on the case, says Tobias Kajbring,

According to the prosecutor, similar situations occur online, but not all reach the police or lead to prosecution. The teenager admits to the events but denies any crime.

– There are such young people involved so I don’t think it is appropriate to make a statement, says the teenager’s defense lawyer Rolf Lohse.
