Suspected murderers are arrested here – large police raid

The police task force has struck several addresses in a coordinated operation on Friday morning.
At least two people have been arrested on suspicion of their involvement in a murder, where a man was shot dead while driving his car with a child in the back seat.
– I can confirm that two people have been arrested on probable cause for the murder, says Mårten Alvinsson, prosecutor.

The two men, both in their 30s, who were arrested in connection with the raid are on probable grounds suspected of the brutal murder.

The murder occurred in a garage in Malmö on June 20. Two cronies are said to have then waited for their victim in the car garage. Once they located their target, one person shot him at close range – before jumping onto the moped driven by the other.

– He stood and waited and confirmed who it was before he shot, it was completely clear. He died instantly. His foot was still on the gas, so his tires skidded until they caught fire, a witness told TV4 Nyheterna.


TV4 Nyheternas reporter on site – in the player above he talks about the crackdown: “Coordinated”

The police’s special task force

The police raided several addresses in the Malmö area on Friday morning. The reinforced regional task force, also called the Piketen, assisted the operation.

Images from the locations show heavily armed police entering properties – and emerging with suspects in handcuffs.

Prosecutor Mårten Alvinsson does not want to comment on the operation at the moment, as it has not yet been completed.

– It’s not something I go into. Not what grounds it is held on or where and when this has happened. Now we need a bit of work, then we’ll see what information we can provide later, he says.

Alvinsson now has until Monday to decide whether the two men should be detained.

Linked to previous murders

According to information to TV4 Nyheterna, the person who was murdered in the garage is a man in his 30s who a few years ago was suspected of a murder in Malmö. However, the man was acquitted of the murder charges. He has since appeared in the police register suspected of several other crimes.

The police have confirmed that the murdered man is known to them from before and that the sequence of events indicates that it is a deal in the criminal environment.

– We connect this incident to the criminal environments that we work with on a daily basis. The sequence of events as such is atypical for these environments and the man is known to us from before, says Erik Åberg, local police area manager south of Malmö.
