Suspected murder victim identified: “Man in his 20s”

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At the end of November, human remains were found in a residence in Malmö and the 53-year-old owner of the apartment was arrested on suspicion of murder and violation of civil liberties.

The 53-year-old man himself came to Malmö police to report a suspected crime and the police checked his home in the Nydala area.

The police in Malmö now know who the murder victim is. It is a man in his 20s who was written to an address in southern Sweden.

The work to get a picture of both the victim’s and the suspect’s last time before the crime was committed is ongoing, says Calle Persson, press spokesperson at the police region south.

– Yes, we know who he is, we have an exact age, of course, but we haven’t got hold of any relatives in Sweden, which means we want to rest a bit before we reach any relatives abroad, says Calle Persson.
