Suspected murder in the Gothenburg archipelago – tourists involved

A man is being held on suspicion of murder after what was first thought to be an accident between two boats in Gothenburg’s northern archipelago.
According to prosecutor Maria Thorell, both the victim and the suspect are foreign tourists.
– They seem to be foreign tourists who have been here on holiday in a leisure boat, she tells TV4 Nyheterna.

It was on Thursday morning that the Coast Guard, the Sea Rescue Society and the Maritime Administration rushed to Gothenburg’s northern archipelago after reports that several people had fallen overboard. A man was taken to Sahlgrenska hospital by ambulance helicopter, but later died of his injuries.

Later yesterday, prosecutors announced that a man had been arrested on suspicion of murder, on probable cause.

– It concerns a man in his 60s and he is still in custody. The victim is a man in his 70s, says Maria Thorell.

Have a picture of what happened

Prosecutor Maria Thorell does not want to go into any details about what happened on board the boat, but she says she has a picture of what happened.

– I have a picture of what happened, but I don’t want to say anything about it at the moment, she says.

As the two men are foreign tourists, it has not yet been possible to get hold of relatives. No later than Sunday at 12 o’clock, a decision needs to be made whether the arrested man is to be remanded in custody.
