Suspected murder in Malmö – man reported himself

Suspected murder in Malmo man reported himself
The police: We have found remains in the residence

Published: Just now

full screen “Further technical investigations will be carried out in this residence,” says press spokesperson Nils Norling. Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT

A 55-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of murder and a crime against the criminal justice system in Malmö.

According to information to Sydsvenskan, parts of a body were found in the man’s freezer.

– He came into the Justice Center and told himself about a suspected crime, says police spokesperson Nils Norling.

A 55-year-old man from Malmö is under arrest on suspicion of a serious crime. The man was arrested after turning himself in on Tuesday afternoon.

– He came into the Legal Center in Malmö and told about a suspected crime. He was arrested and we searched his home. We have found remains there, says Nils Norling, press spokesperson in the Malmö police area to Aftonbladet.

When the police made the discovery in the apartment, the man was suspected of murder and breach of the peace of mind. According to information to South Sweden the police found parts of a dismembered body in a freezer in the man’s home.

The police have conducted several interviews with the suspect.

– I cannot go into any details about what was said. But it is his initial information that causes us to do the check in his residence. This in turn leads on to the criminal classifications.

More investigations to be expected

After finding the remains in the residence, the police left the suspected crime scene late in the evening.

– Further technical investigations will be carried out in this residence. A forensic examination must be carried out as soon as possible, says Nils Norling.

The plan for Wednesday is to hold further interviews with the man to get a picture of what happened.

– We need to calmly hold several hearings to find out what happened at this place, he says.

According to Sydsvenskan’s information, the remains may have been in the fridge for over a month.

Nils Norling emphasizes that the suspected murder has no connections to the gang criminal environment.
