Suspected dangerous object in Rosengård – villa evacuated

Just before 8 a.m., the police received information about a suspiciously dangerous object in a residential area in Rosengård.

– We are on site with a larger resource, says Evelina Olsson.

The residents of the villa were evacuated and the police urged residents of nearby villas to stay inside. An area around the villa was cordoned off.

Thermos bomb

The police stated early on that it was “likely” that the object was sharp. Later it could be confirmed that it was.

– National bomb protection is in place and will destroy the object, said Evelina Olsson during the morning.

By 10.30 the object had been destroyed and rendered harmless. According to information to TV4 Nyheterna, it was a so-called thermos bomb.

The incident is being investigated as attempted murder.

Tip TV4 News

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