Suspected dangerous item at E22 – Traffic stopped

Man shot in the subway tunnel in Södertälje


  • Suspected dangerous item at E22 – Traffic stopped

    Suspected dangerous item at E22 – Traffic stopped

    A suspected dangerous object has been found in Burlöv.

    The site has been blocked off and the police stop traffic on E22 in a southbound direction.

  • Bloody clothes found by dog ​​- police suspect crime

    Bloody clothes found by dog ​​- police suspect crime

    A private person with a dog has found bloody clothes in Salem.

    The clothes were found at 18 o’clock.

    Private individuals first discovered a garment out in nature. Shortly thereafter, the dog looked out another garment – which was bloody.

    The police suspect that a person was subjected to crime and investigating the incident as abuse.

    “The owner of the garments is asked to contact the police via 114 14 or contact form,” the police write on their website.

  • Personnel attacked on accommodation – an injured

    Personnel attacked on accommodation – an injured

    At 19.30, police were alerted to an accommodation in Munkedal on the occasion of an abuse.

    According to the police, a healthcare officer has been attacked by a person with an attachment.

    Ambulance has been alerted to the scene.

    “The plaintiff is said to have a jack in his head and bleeds from the temple”.

    On the spot, the police managed to secure the suspected person, which is a man in his 40s.

    He is now suspected of abuse.

  • Denmark warns transgender people before the US trip

    Denmark warns transgender people before the US trip

    Denmark urges transgender people who plan to travel to the United States to first contact the US Embassy in Copenhagen, Reuters reports.

    Donald Trump’s increasingly harsh gender policy is said to be behind the decision when fearing that there may be problems with the travel documents.

    Last week, Finland issued a similar warning.

    Trump has signed a presidential order that you will only recognize two genders – men and women.

  • Police about the new trend: stop calling mountain rescuers’ private telephone

    Police about the new trend: stop calling mountain rescuers’ private telephone

    Police are now appealing to people in mountainous Needs – to stop looking up private mountain rescuers’ phone numbers online.

    According to police, Peter Borg is now seen that a growing trend among people in mountainous need.

    – Today, it is not natural to call 112 when, for example, you suddenly end up in bad weather in the mountains and risk being bad, Borg says in a press release.

    The police are now appealing to the public to take emergency situations in the mountains seriously and call directly to 112 – instead of disturbing the mountain rescuers.

    – A shoe polish does not have to be anything serious, but add bad weather and that the walk due to the foot goes from 3 hours to 9 hours where both water and food run out.

    – Then we have an emergency situation and then you should call 112, just as you would do at what other emergency.

  • Northvolts Bankruptcy Manager: Great Progress

    Northvolts Bankruptcy Manager: Great Progress

    Northvolt has made great progress to survive and secure continued operations, says the bankruptcy manager for Reuters.

  • Odd theft – 60 telephone poles without a trace away

    60-70 telephone poles are without a trace. Archive Picture Photo: Hasse Holmberg/TT

    Odd theft – 60 telephone poles without a trace away

    An odd theft has been discovered in Kinnarp outside Falköping. 60-70 telephone poles have disappeared without a trace.

    – There are no small stuff, says Jeanette Arvidsson at the police to Falköping’s newspaper.

    A company that was commissioned to replace the telephone poles had put the old posts along the way pending them to be removed. But someone was ahead.

    The value of the posts is unclear, as if the police will proceed with the case.

    “It will not be investigated further, unless there is any tip,” says Stefan Kringlund, preliminary investigator at the police to P4 Skaraborg.

  • Children to hospital – fell from balcony

    Children to hospital – fell from balcony

    A child has fallen from a balcony in Mölndal.

    The child is three years old and fell according to police from about 10 meters altitude.

    The police have no information about the injury situation.

    The alarm about the incident came in at 17.08.

  • Heathrow: Now it is possible to fly again

    Heathrow: Now it is possible to fly again

    In a new statement after Friday’s big fire, Heathrow Airport now states that it is possible to fly again.

    Some flights will take place today and the hope is that traffic will work as usual tomorrow.

    “Our priority is still the safety of our passengers and those who work at the airport,” it says in a statement.

  • Trump presents new American fighter flight

    Here F-47 can be seen anyway. Photo: AP

    Trump presents new American fighter flight

    Donald Trump announces that the United States is developing a new fighter aircraft. The plane is named F-47, according to the Washington Post.

    “The generals chose a name and it is a wonderful figure,” says Trump, who is the country’s 47th president.

    According to Trump, the plane will be “basically invisible” to the enemy.

    “Nothing else in the world comes close to this,” he says.

  • Aircraft was stopped – tried to lift from taxi

    Aircraft was stopped – tried to lift from taxi

    On Thursday morning, a Southwest Airlines flight was stopped when it tried to lift from Florida. The pilot and crew had mixed up the taxi canet and the runway, writes American media.

    The aircraft tried to lift from the taxi canet, the area used for flights to get from the street to the starting and runway.

    “The crew mistook the area of ​​the nearby starting and runway,” the airline said in a statement.

    No one came to physical injury, but travelers were delayed several hours.

    The US Aviation Authority is investigating the incident.

  • New German billion package to Ukraine

    German Chancellor Olaf Scholz (right) together with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyj at the Munich Security Conference in mid -February. Photo: Sven Hoppe/AP/TT

    New German billion package to Ukraine

    Germany has clubbed a military support package to Ukraine of EUR 3.3 billion, corresponding to approximately SEK 35.6 billion. The money is earmarked for military equipment, including artillery ammunition and air defense systems.

    The message comes on the same day that the German Federal Council has approved constitutional amendments that open for loans of hundreds of billions of euros to defense and infrastructure.

  • Teenage guy knife -injured in Nacka

    Teenage guy knife -injured in Nacka

    The police are on site at Nacka Strand high school.

    “We work with a knife cut,” said police spokesman Daniel Wikdahl.

    The incident must have occurred outside the school.

    A boy in his upper teens has taken to hospital with stab injuries. His condition is not said to be seriously injured.

  • SD takes away from Erixons Gazautspel

    SD takes away from Erixons Gazautspel

    The Swedish Democrats distance themselves from the party’s EU parliamentarian Dick Erixon’s statements about moving Palestinians from Gaza.

    Aron Emilsson (SD), chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee, says in an interview with Gp that Erixon’s statement is not in line with SD’s official attitude.

    It was yesterday that Aftonbladet reported that Dick Erixon made a proposal that Palestinians be moved from the Gaza Strip.

    “We think you should make sure to solve things in the immediate area and we do not want any refugee stream for us in Sweden,” he said.

  • 5-year-old boy disappeared in Torsby-found

    5-year-old boy disappeared in Torsby-found

    The police are currently looking for a lost 5-year-old in Svenneby in Torsby municipality.

    It is relatives of the boy who contacted the police.

    At 15.20, the boy was found.

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