Suspect of sex crime arrested by private persons

Suspect of sex crime arrested by private persons

Published: Just now

full screen The 34-year-old man has been detained at Växjö district court. Archive image. Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT

A 34-year-old man has been detained at Växjö District Court on suspicion of a series of sexual offenses against children, local media reports.

It was last Saturday that the man tried to arrange a meeting with a child in a place in Växjö municipality, for what is suspected to be a sexual purpose. However, the meeting did not take place – and the man was instead arrested by private individuals who called the police. After the arrest, the police also found child pornography in the man’s computer.

The 34-year-old is now suspected of, among other things, child pornography offences, contact with children for sexual purposes and exploitation of children for sexual posing. According to the prosecutor, the last-mentioned crime has been going on for at least ten months.

The man is from Skåne.
