Suspect impaired motorist only convicted of careless driving

Suspect impaired motorist only convicted of careless driving

A Camlachie man Sarnia police charged with impaired driving and drug possession after they said a suspect was driving all over the road with open beer cans and suspected cocaine has instead only been convicted of careless driving.

The rest of the Criminal Code charges laid last summer again Coulton Williams were withdrawn Tuesday after he pleaded guilty to the single Highway Traffic Act charge.

“Given all the circumstances, your honour, the Sarnia police at that time proceeded with a criminal matter, but the Crown is agreeable to resolve it on this basis today,” assistant Crown attorney Aniko Coughlan said to a Sarnia judge.

Justice Deborah Austin agreed to impose a $1,000 fine and a one-year Provincial Offenses Act probation order that will limit, but not ban, Williams’ ability to drive, as lawyers on both sides suggested.

“Mr. Williams, having heard the facts in this case I’m satisfied that the proposed penalty balances public safety with a proportionate response, and I accept the joint submission,” she said.

The facts the court heard included Sarnia police being dispatched to the Michigan Avenue and Modeland Road area just before 8 pm on July 18. A complainant said Williams was driving all over the road that Sunday evening and was going below the speed limit.

An officer found him soon after.

“Upon approaching the vehicle, the officer noted a strong odor of alcohol emitting from inside the motor vehicle as well as two open beer cans in plain view,” Sarnia police said in a statement issued the next day detailing two alleged impaired driving offences.

The suspect failed a breath test and the officer found suspected cocaine during his arrest, police said, but based on the guilty plea defense lawyer Nick Cake said his client only admits to driving without due care and attention.

Williams can’t have any alcohol in his system while driving, per the probation order, and for the first 30 days he has strict limits on where he can drive. He also has to use an ignition interlock device.

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