Suspect for Pukavik shooting denies crime

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The suspect, aged in his 20s, is previously known to the police and the judiciary for a number of different crimes.

– It mainly concerns drug crime. I can’t say how or if the people involved are familiar with each other from before, but that will be determined by the continued investigation and questioning of the people involved, says Stina Brindmark, prosecutor in the case.

Three people were in the house that was shot at, a man and a woman aged 35 and a boy aged 15. But the prosecutor does not want to comment on how close it was that someone was hit by shots.

– I do not want to comment on it, it is still early in the investigation. But there are sharp shots that have been fired at the residence.

The man in his 20s is suspected of three cases of attempted murder and aggravated weapons offences. He must be remanded in custody by Friday at the latest.
