Suspect for Adriana’s murder remains in Turkey

Suspect for Adrianas murder remains in Turkey

Published: Less than 10 min ago

Three men were sentenced on Wednesday to life imprisonment for the shooting death of twelve-year-old Adriana in Norsborg in the summer of 2020.

The prosecutor’s hypothesis is that another man was involved, but he is in Turkey and will not be extradited.

Three men, 24, 31 and 32 years old, were sentenced on Wednesday for the murder of Adriana and the attempted murder of another seven people.

According to the district court, it is clear that the men from inside a car fired an “indiscriminate automatic fire” outside a restaurant in Norsborg, south of Stockholm, on the night of August 2, 2020. The intended victims were two gang criminal men who escaped unharmed. Instead, twelve-year-old Adriana was hit and died.

The men deny the crime and the verdict will be appealed.

Prosecutor Anna Svedin’s hypothesis is that another man was in the car at the time of the shooting. It concerns a 25-year-old who, since the summer of 2021, has been wanted and detained in his absence, on probable grounds suspected of the murder and attempted murder.

Svedin, however, underlines that the man today can be regarded as innocent.

– He is in custody on probable cause, but that does not mean that I would even prosecute him in the event that he comes here, she says.

Pointed out by intended victim

The 25-year-old is one of two people that one of the intended victims named as the perpetrator in a tip to the police after the murder. One of the men could later be written off, but according to the district court, the 25-year-old cannot be excluded as a possible perpetrator:

“No investigation has been reported that excludes that NN (the 25-year-old) may have been sitting in the Audi during the night,” the judgment states.

The man, who is from Stockholm, has both Swedish and Turkish citizenship and has been in Turkey for several years. His lawyer Robin Grönvall says that the man denies any crime.

– He wasn’t even at the scene of this shooting, says Grönvall.

Even before the man became a suspect, he had traveled to Turkey.

– There is a threat image against him, says Grönvall.

The 25-year-old was shot at a month after the murder in Norsborg and was then hit in the arm. The Court of Appeal ruled in its judgment about the incident that it was an act of revenge after the Norsborg shooting. The man who pointed out the 25-year-old to the police was one of those convicted in the case.

Not released

Prosecutor Anna Svedin says that they tried to get help from Europol and Interpol, among others, to get the 25-year-old to Sweden, but it has been fruitless.

– Circumstances that are far beyond my control mean that the climate between Turkey and Sweden may not be the best right now. And you still don’t extradite your own citizens, neither does Sweden.

The 25-year-old is not the only Swede in Turkey who is wanted by law enforcement authorities. Minister of Justice Gunnar Strömmer (M) writes in a comment to TT that the government is well aware of the problem with criminals who are abroad:

“Our authorities have extensive international cooperation and from the government’s side we also do what we can to improve and assist in cooperation with other countries”.

With regard to Turkey in particular, there is a “dialogue” around the problem and how judicial cooperation can be improved, he writes further. The respective country’s Ministry of Justice has appointed contact points to simplify and strengthen the work, according to Stömmer.

He describes the fact that twelve-year-old Adriana was killed in a gang-criminal shooting as a tragedy.

“It also shows why gang crime must be fought with the collective power of the entire society,” writes Gunnar Strömmer.


Three convicted for the murder of Adriana

On Wednesday, three men were sentenced for the murder of twelve-year-old Adriana in Norsborg south of Stockholm in the summer of 2020. In addition to that shooting, the case also included a number of other crimes connected to conflicts between criminal groups south of Stockholm.

31-year-old man: Life in prison for murder, seven counts of attempted murder, preparation for murder, aggravated weapons offense and preparation for public destruction. The man, who has been singled out as a leading figure in the so-called May network, is also convicted of attempted murder a little over a week before Adriana’s murder.

32-year-old man: Life imprisonment for murder, aggravated weapons offence, seven counts of attempted murder, preparation for murder, assault and preparation for public destruction.

24-year-old man: Life in prison for murder, aggravated weapons offence, seven counts of attempted murder, preparation for murder, assault and preparation for public destruction.

24-year-old man: Two years in prison for aggravated protection of a criminal

23-year-old man: One year in prison for assault

31-year-old man: One year in prison for serious weapons offences.

29-year-old man: Three months in prison for breaching the Flammable and Explosive Goods Act.

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