Sushi is much better by following this rule known to all Japanese

Sushi is much better by following this rule known to

There is a precise ritual for eating sushi, in order to optimize the taste pleasure.

Sushi lover, did you know that eating them is an art? Although their tasting has become very popular in the West, the Japanese tradition is not always respected according to the rules of the art. To enjoy all their flavors, there are a few rituals including a golden rule to respect.

In the land of the Rising Sun, sushi is an emblematic dish which gives rise to a delicate tasting ritual. Following Japanese tradition, iThere is indeed a precise order for tasting fish, to the delight of your taste buds. We will also ensure that Dip the fish in the soy sauce sparingly, without dipping the rice side, as this may disrupt the balance of flavors. And we will only eat a thin strip of pickled ginger between two different sushis or at the end of the meal because it helps cleanse the palate.

Open your eyes: the tasting begins with the white fish, then the silver fish and ends with the red fish. You don’t see how to tell them apart? The ritual is that we start with the lightest fish made from white fish, with a delicate and light flavor like sea ​​bream or scallops, then by the strongest tasting and most flavored fish like tuna, shrimp and eel, and finally by the fattest fish like salmon. Start with the sushi with weak scents will allow the flavor of the stronger ones not to take over in terms of the feeling in the mouth. Finally, the meal always ends with THE Sushi Tamagothe one with the omelette, with a milder or even sweeter taste. And if you ordered makizushi, these sushi rolled in a sheet of seaweed Norithen you will have to eat them at the very end.

The fish were taken out a few hours before the service. This is why, traditionally, sushi is eaten neither hot nor cold, but at room temperature. Ditch the chopsticks, sushi is traditionally eaten by hand, placing it between the thumb, index and middle fingers, in order to fully appreciate the texture. If you like chopsticks, there’s nothing stopping you from using them, but be careful not to stick them in the sushi, that would be sacrilege, just like using a fork and knife! Finally, note that sushi is designed to be eaten in one bite, without crunching it into several parts! By avoiding all these missteps, you’re finally ready to enjoy your next sushi platter even more!
