ARK: Survival Evolved announced a possible upgrade to the “Unreal Engine 5” with a meme on Twitter. On MeinMMO you can find out what’s behind it.
Developers hint at UE5 upgrade: On January 11, 2023, the official ARK: Survival Evolved Twitter account shared a meme, a humorous image that foreshadowed an upgrade of the dino adventure to Unreal Engine 5.
There is currently no further information, a UE5 trailer or images of the upgrade. Apart from the meme, no information about the indicated upgrade is known.
We embed the corresponding tweet from ARK: Survival Evolved here:
What engine is ARK currently running on? ARK: Survival Evolved is a popular survival game on PC and consoles that lets you tame and fight against dinosaurs in a futuristic setting on different maps.
ARk first appeared in Early Access in June 2015. The full version has been on the market since 2017. Studio Wildcard has not updated the engine since then. The title has been running on a version of Unreal Engine 4 ever since.
Unreal Engine 5 (UE5) has been available since April 2022. The successor to the survival hit, ARK 2, is to be released on the latest version of the popular engine. Here’s the announcement trailer:
ARK 2: Check out the 4-minute survival sequel announcement trailer here
“Please let it be true”
Here’s how the community is reacting: In the comments below the post, some ARK fans are excited at the prospect of experiencing the survival title on UE5.
The well-known ARK modder Nekatus, who created the maps Fjördur and Valguero, reacted enthusiastically to the post. Already in November 2022 he showed what ARK could look like in the UE5. About the meme he says:
If that’s true…man, I’m ready for many more maps! Please make this possible! I hope you guys aren’t just talking about SOTF here [Anm. d. Red.: ARK: Survival Of The Fittest] in UE5.
ARK modder Nekatus via Twitter
Although the post is a tweet from the official account, there is some uncertainty among ARK fans as it is just a meme and not a full announcement.
Is this just a joke or are the developers serious? How does the transition affect the release of ARK 2? Is the upgrade for the main game or just the newly released Battle Royale mode ARK: Survival Of The Fittest?
Overall, there are some comments from ARK players who can’t imagine upgrading to UE5 yet, as it takes a lot of work and time. Ultimately, it’s now time to wait and see what’s really behind this meme.
Patience is also required for ARK 2. There has been no new information about the successor to the survival hit for 7 months and the last trailer was also a disappointment for the fans.
Disappointed with the new ARK-2 trailer? The really exciting information is available on Steam!