Surprisingly, sexual intercourse took the second place! At the summit…

Surprisingly sexual intercourse took the second place At the summit

The throne of sexual intercourse has been shaken. Sexual intercourse was always at the forefront of the issues that kept its importance by getting ahead of other issues. But that seems to have changed a bit, according to a recent study.

According to a survey conducted in England; One in five people prefer a bar of chocolate over sex. One of the most striking aspects of the survey was that 25 percent of 18- to 29-year-olds preferred chocolate over sex.

19 percent of the respondents stated that they like chocolates, which are a mixture of chocolate, caramel and biscuits.


For those aged 60 and over, the situation is slightly different. According to the responses from that average age, only seven percent preferred chocolate over sex.

Jon Horsley, one of the officials of the company that conducted the survey, said, “It is fascinating to see that chocolate is preferred for the Z generation and as you get older, you are more likely to choose bedroom antics. Among other age groups, 21 percent of 30-44 year olds prefer chocolate to sex, while this figure is for 45-59 year olds. It was 15 percent.” he said.


According to other results from the survey; People eat an average of three chocolates a week. 67 percent of respondents describe chocolate as one of life’s little pleasures. 16 percent of the participants describe themselves as chocolate addicts.
