Surprising incident in Kars: He ate hot potatoes and nearly died! He remained in a coma for days… ‘Don’t make that mistake’

Surprising incident in Kars He ate hot potatoes and nearly

In the incident that took place in Kars, 6-year-old Muhammet Emir Çiçek ate watery potatoes cooked on the stove while his mother was out. Muhammet, who then fell ill, was first taken to Digor District Hospital and then to Kars State Hospital. When 6-year-old Muhammet became unable to breathe, ventilation was provided through a hole called tracheostomy on the top of his windpipe. His current general condition is poor, his consciousness and consciousness are disabled, and he has serious damage due to burns in the esophagus entrance, tracheal entrance, vocal cords, left and right lungs due to hot food. He was sent to Elazığ.

Anesthesia and Reanimation Specialist Dr. in a private hospital here. Muhammet, who was accepted by Güneri Atalan and his team, remained in a coma for 6 days. With the support of doctors in the Ear Nose and Throat (ENT) department, Specialist. Dr. Güneri Atalan and her team closed the hole in the throat when they observed that the damage around the esophagus, upper part of the trachea and vocal cords had healed. Muhammet, who also suffers from epilepsy and had many seizures during this period, regained his health and was discharged.


Providing information about the case situation, Specialist. Dr. Güneri Atalan said, “Muhammet was rushed to the hospital with breathing problems after he threw the hot food on the stove into his mouth 15 days ago.

Due to the irritation caused by the heat, a serious burn-related damage occurs around the entrance of the larynx, which we call the entrance hole of the trachea, and the vocal cords, which we call the vocal cords, and the esophagus there.


In the following hours, as his respiratory distress increased, he was taken to Kars State Hospital. When Muhammet could no longer breathe, under emergency conditions, we quickly ventilated him through a hole we call a tracheostomy on the top of his windpipe, and we took the patient in a poor general condition, unconscious, and with serious damage to the left and right lungs due to hot food. We kept him in a coma for about 5-6 days.


Muhammet is also an epilepsy patient. During this period, he also started to have serious epileptic attacks. The danger to life was very serious and extreme. It made us all nervous. After being in a deep coma for 5 days, we started to wake him up. Our expert friends at ENT also gave us a lot of support in this regard.


When we saw that the damage around the esophagus, upper part of the trachea and vocal cords was slowly recovering, we closed the hole in the throat. His general condition is good now. Eating, drinking and breathing are now comfortable. If we are lucky, we will be discharged today.


Children should avoid foods that will irritate the throat, trachea or esophagus, especially if they are too hot or too cold. “Let’s warn parents from here,” he said.


Describing the incident, mother Ayşe Çiçek said, “It was afternoon. There were juicy potatoes cooking on the stove. He took a spoon of the food, swallowed it and went out. He vomited right after he went out. When my wife saw him, he took him to the fountain and washed his hands and face.


There were no symptoms, he just said he had pain. We were not aware of anything. Around 22:00 in the evening, he started to experience wheezing in his throat and then his voice started to become hoarse. First, we took it to Digor district, and from there they shipped it to Kars center. After the tests were done there, they took him into surgery.


They said the surgery would be too risky. He had to undergo surgery and the surgery was successful. After that, they sent us to Elazığ. When we arrived in Elazığ, they put him in a coma. We stayed in hospitals for about 12 days in total. His condition was very bad. We have been in service for three days. Thank goodness everything is fine. “I would like to thank the doctors and all the nurses who helped us a lot,” he said. (IHA)

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