Surprising event: The country changed while playing hide and seek!

Surprising event The country changed while playing hide and seek

A game of hide-and-seek played by a boy in Bangladesh with his friends ended in Malaysia. The cargo ship MV Integra, which left Chittagong city of Bangladesh on January 12 with a load of 1,337 containers, arrived at Port Klang Port of Malaysia on January 16, after a 5-day sea voyage. The crew, who heard shouting and hitting sounds from the cargo area where the containers were located, reported the situation to the ship’s captain.


The ship, which could not be understood from where the sounds came from, was towed to the port in case of an emergency. After a detailed search, the authorities found the container where the sounds were coming from, and found a strange child inside the container, who seemed to be exhausted.

It was learned that Fahim, aged 12-15, who was contacted with the help of Bangladeshi workers at the Malaysian port, hid in a container while playing hide-and-seek with his friends in a region close to the port in Bangladesh. In his first statement, Fahim stated that when he woke up, the lid of the container was closed and he was traveling, he was taken to the hospital for a health check by Malaysian rescue teams.


In a statement on the subject, Malaysian Interior Minister Saifuddin Nasution Ismail stated that they did not find any evidence of human trafficking in the incident and that the situation was an accident, and that the rescued child would be sent back to his country after health checks. (UAV)
