Surprising discovery from the Hubble Space Telescope! Galaxy with “weird” arms

Surprising discovery from the Hubble Space Telescope Galaxy with weird

Another surprising discovery came from the Hubble Space Telescope. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) Hubble Space Telescope has discovered a new galaxy with spiral-like “strange” arms. In the news of Sciencetimes, it was stated that the galaxy named “ESO 415-19”, which was discovered 450 million light-years from the Milky Way, has arms that open out from its core and extend in a “strange” way.

It was stated that this galaxy, which was discovered within the scope of NASA’s Atlas of Bizarre Galaxies program created to detect galaxies with unusual features known in the universe, is among the 338 galaxies previously viewed.

(Photo credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA, J. Dalcanton, Dark Energy Survey)


It has been noted that the “strange” arms of the “ESO 415-19” galaxy have collided with another galaxy in the past, and parts of the galaxy’s arms have been pulled due to gravity, making them long and curved.


It is stated that the shape of most of the galaxies in the Atlas of Strange Galaxies is formed by the collision or friction of galaxies with each other.

The Atlas of Strange Galaxies, written by astronomer Halton Harp, is considered an astronomical catalogue. (AA)
