Surprise meeting in the West Bank: Blinken and Abbas met

Surprise meeting in the West Bank Blinken and Abbas met

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who is on a tour of the Middle East, met with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah, as global concerns rise about the increasing violence in the occupied territories, parallel to the Israel-Hamas conflict that has been ongoing in Gaza since October 7. came.

Since the conflict began, Blinken has made three trips to Israel and visited several Arab countries. However, this was Blinken’s first visit to the West Bank since October 7.

The trip, which was not previously announced for security reasons, took place after Blinken visited Jordan and Israel on Friday. Blinken’s meeting with Abbas, the leader of the secular Fatah party, Hamas’ rival, coincided with a period when Washington was providing political and military support to Israel.

The United States argues that the only way out of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a two-state solution. Blinken recently said the Palestinian Authority should take control of the Gaza Strip, which is currently ruled by Hamas.

The United States, many European and Arab countries, as well as the United Nations, announced that they were concerned about the escalation of tension in Gaza. During his Middle East tour, Blinken suggested “humanitarian breaks” in the densely populated Gaza Strip, which is under bombardment, to protect civilians and facilitate aid distribution.


Blinken is coming to Turkey today for a two-day visit. Blinken will meet with Minister of Foreign Affairs Hakan Fidan in Ankara tomorrow.

The two men, who have been in contact by phone four times since October 7, when Israel’s massacres in Gaza began, will meet face to face this time.

Foreign Minister Fidan to Blinken; He will emphasize that Israel’s wholesale targeting of the people of Gaza is unacceptable. He will draw attention to the importance of uninterrupted delivery of humanitarian aid to Gaza.

He will say that in order to ensure a ceasefire, the United States and other countries must stay away from steps that will escalate tensions.

Minister Fidan will also state that the problem will only be solved with the establishment of an independent, sovereign Palestinian state on the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital. He will convey the guarantee offer that Turkey has brought to the table.

Other topics on the table in the Fidan-Blinken meeting are; NATO’s expansion process, Turkey-US relations, F-16 modernization talks on the Ankara-Washington line and the fight against terrorism.

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