surprise defeat for the President of the Assembly!

surprise defeat for the President of the Assembly

FERRAND. MP since 2012, Richard Ferrand was beaten in the second round of the legislative elections, he who presented himself again in the 6th constituency of Finistère. The President of the National Assembly suffered a real slap with this defeat in his stronghold.

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[Mis à jour le 19 juin 2022 à 22h11] Unexpected result for Richard Ferrand in Finistère. The first round had placed him in the lead but the second round of the legislative elections turned out to be a very bad surprise for Richard Ferrand this Sunday, June 19. The President of the National Assembly, who was seeking a new mandate as a deputy under the banner Together! of the presidential majority in the hemicycle, admitted his defeat shortly after 8 p.m., “taking note of the results indicating that the voters chose to elect my competitor as a deputy. I would like to train for her, for France and for our territory the Wishing you every success,” he said. It will certainly be one of the symbols of this difficult election night for Emmanuel Macron’s camp.

What result for Richard Ferrand in the legislative elections?

In the lead in the first round with 33.56% of the vote, the President of the Assembly (49.15%) bowed to the candidate of Nupes who won with 50.85% of the vote, according to the complete results communicated by the Ministry of the Interior. Richard Ferrand came out on top of the first lap of the legislative elections on June 12, but with a short lead over the Nupes candidate, Mélanie Thomin, the official results of the Ministry of the Interior then showed 33.56% against 31.16%. The two candidates had raced in the lead by far since the third candidate, RN Patrick Le Fur, was eliminated in the first round with 14.51% of the vote, launching a second round duel.

As President of the National Assembly, Richard Ferrand had a solid knowledge of parliamentary functioning which could be an asset for these legislative elections, in the same way as his local presence in Finistère, in a territory which extends from the Crozon peninsula in Carhaix. However, the presidential camp is no longer as much favored by Breton voters and if LREM and Emmanuel Macron had come out on top in the first round of the presidential election with 30% of the vote against 21% for Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the presidential majority had already suffered some setbacks in local elections. LREM only came fourth in the last regional elections won by the socialist candidate. Richard Ferrand was also deprived of his seat as regional councilor in July 2021, he himself then admitted: “I am more an architect than a site manager”.

Did Richard Ferrand want to be reappointed as President of the National Assembly?

For the one whose term in the Assembly will remain “the finest of his career”, as Le Monde indicated on April 5, re-election would be desirable. However, he has not yet clearly expressed this ambition: when asked about a new candidacy the day after June 21 – the end of his mandate – he was content to answer: “The challenge is first that the government has a majority; when the time comes, we will see how things turn out”. As a reminder, the re-election of a President of the National Assembly is very rare: it took place only once with the mayor of Bordeaux Jacques Chaban-Delmas: elected to the presidency in 1958 and re-elected in 1962, 1967 and 1968.

During the between-two-rounds, Richard Ferrand’s desire to stay in place on the perch was read between the lines. If he is re-elected to the Assembly, his mastery of the parliamentary workings would be an argument to cut to remain in the presidency of the hemicycle. Above all, it would be a security for the presidential majority against a largely rebellious leftist opposition group. One thing is certain, re-elected Richard Ferrand would be a central pillar of the majority in the Assembly.

A real common project for the coalition “Ensemble!” who falls in the water?

Richard Ferrand affirms it: the structuring of the majority in the event of victory of the coalition Ensemble! would above all be that of a “common project”. From the first round, in an interview for Midi Libre, the politician wanted all the candidates of the majority to undertake to “support the presidential project and the government which will be appointed”, recalling that, if the “sensitivities” will be able to live by Subsequently, “parliamentary efficiency” requires that there are not “too many internal structures”. As such, he brushed aside the differences that exist between LREM and its allies, the MoDem and Horizons, explaining that this “enlargement” approach is common to them. The results of the 2nd round and the absence of an absolute majority are reshuffling the cards.
