Surgery in Mexico was on the agenda! He played guitar for four hours while undergoing brain surgery.

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The 55-year-old music teacher, who had surgery for a brain tumor in the city of Tepic, located in the state of Nayarit, Mexico, played the guitar for 4 hours during the operation performed on him. When the surgeon stated that the patient should be conscious during the operation, it was stated that the teacher preferred to play the guitar, so that his functions such as speech and hearing could be monitored instantly during the operation.


Surgeon Celia Teresa Alvarez, who performed the operation, stated that her patient did not feel any pain during the operation and said that thanks to this method, she could carry out her daily activities independently in a short period of 2 weeks.

It was announced that the operation went smoothly and this method was applied for the first time in the history of Nayarit province. (UAV)
