Supreme Court freezes Texas state’s controversial free speech law – law would have prevented some platforms from censoring hate speech and disinformation

Supreme Court freezes Texas states controversial free speech law

A law promoted by the Conservatives would also have prevented services like Facebook and Twitter from deleting users ’accounts because of their opinions.

1.6. 09:46 • Updated June 1.6. 10:03

In the United States, the country’s Supreme Court has decided to freeze a law enacted by the state of Texas that would have regulated the operation of some platforms.

The Conservative-led bill has received a lot of attention.

Among other things, the law prohibits platforms such as Facebook and Twitter from censoring hate speech or disinformation.

It would also prevent these platforms from deleting their users because of their opinions.

Some giants have appealed to freedom of speech and the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which prohibits the enactment of laws restricting freedom of speech.

– The law violates the first appendix by forcing some platforms to publish content they don’t want to publish and preventing them from reacting to content they disagree with, comments Columbia University legal expert Scott Wilkens.

Companies like Facebook and Twitter have justified suspending users ’accounts and marking content as disinformation on the grounds that it prevents harmful activity.
