Supporters in protest – the WC matches are not shown on the big screen in Gothenburg

On Sunday, the first match in the football World Cup will be played. The matches are played in Australia and New Zealand and due to the time difference some matches will be played in the middle of the night Swedish time or early in the morning. But there is nothing stopping football fan Carin Jacobsson from watching the first match.

– They play at seven in the morning, but of course we will still check, she says.

Has been shown on big screens before

Last year’s football EC was broadcast on large screens in several places in Gothenburg, including in Vasaparken. But this year there are no plans for that, something that upsets Carin. And the same question has been raised in other cities around Sweden.

– I have called everyone I can think of, but so far there is no one who wants to show the match on the big screen, she says.

Great interest in the matches

Carin Jacobsson believes that the lack of interest in showing the matches is about the fact that it is ladies and not men who play. But that is not true, according to Madeleine Eriksson, event developer at Göteborg & co, which is the city’s own event company.

– That question does not exist. We have made a lot of efforts in connection with women’s matches before, she says.

In previous years, they have assisted with big screens during football matches but say that it is now also a matter of cost.

Is there any chance that you will show the matches on the big screen?

– We’ll see. Now that there has been interest from many people, we are looking at the possibilities, says Madeleine Eriksson.
