Supporter to Reuters: Navalnyi was murdered because he was going to be released | Foreign countries

Navalnys mother finally saw her sons body aE authorities blackmail

It had already been agreed to replace Navalny with the imprisoned agent of the Russian security service, says his supporter Maria Pevših.

Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny was murdered because he was going to be released through a prisoner exchange, says his supporter Maria Pevših.

It had already been agreed to replace Navalny with the captured agent of the Russian security service, says Pevših. Pevših is a Russian investigative journalist and director of the anti-corruption commission founded by Navalny.

Navalnyi would have been exchanged for someone imprisoned in Germany to Vadim Krasikov. At the same time, two American citizens would have been released. Krasikov is a convicted Tšetšenian dissident Zelimhan Hangoshvilin of murder. Krasikov murdered Hankoshvili in Berlin in 2019.

Russian prison authorities announced Navalny’s death on February 16.

Source: Reuters
